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I also thought it was a little confusing, but liked the game overall. Added some music in the background, if that's okay for the video. It's of a stream I did.

Thank you for playing and for the video feedback! Putting all of these together really helps us see where people tend to get stuck, which is great for future development. As for the music, don't worry about it, you managed to make the game seem less creepy, as some people have been pointing out.

Thank you for playing. I’m glad you enjoyed it, and your gameplay will be taken into account in future development. And the music you added was great to lower the creepy vibe that our game has haha.


I like this game too much 10/10

eyy thanks.

Thank you so much!

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We're glad you liked what we have so far.

As of right now, we can't focus on developing this project due to other university projects. However, we´ve been collecting feedback and if everything goes right we'll return to development this summer. 

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

I enjoyed the game. It was a bit confusing some times but you should play. I guarentee you it won't be  wasting your time. Game is great. I translated all the video to english. I took too much effort so please give a like if you watch

Thank you for playing. I’m really glad you enjoyed it!

This game was a thrill, definitely buying the full version when it comes out! 


Thank you!


Thank you so much!


Good concept, good art and atmosphere, makes you want to keep playing. Reminds me a bit of the movie Vivarium. Only thing I didn't like was searching for the lamp shade.

Thank you for playing! We’re glad you liked the game and thank you for the feedback on the lampshade.

You’re not the first person who had problems finding it, when we start working on this game again the house will be different and we will take this feedback into consideration.

I actually don’t know the movie Vivarium but I’ll check it out to see the similarities.


it a good game really liked how i uncovered the past of my family and hoped it was little bit more longer and investigate this past and why it happen etc

You got me a little confused at first when you edited out the first couple of puzzles. I'm glad you enjoyed the demo tho. We're also rethinking how the story should progress in the finished game.

Thank you for playing and making a video out of it. I also got a little confused when you cut out the first puzzles bc I thought you somehow skipped a few steps haha.

Either way, I’m really glad that you liked the demo :D

it no worries, so basically i somehow figure it out without few step by guessing i knew the book got something to do with it, but with the number I randomize  it and just enter it and it opened. and thanks 


Hey I wrote your game on my blog you can read it now and watch my video at Sunday Click to go to my blog


I played the game in nearly 30 minutes. I loved it . I know it is a demo but I wish I could play a bit more. Anyways at sunday I'll post a video on youtube about the game , I'll say these things at my critics. I hope you watch it

(Replying to both of your posts above here)

I'm glad you liked it! I have checked out your blog and will be waiting for that video when it's up Sunday. Thank you.

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my video is here I translated all of it


Thank you for playing! I’m really glad you liked it and I’ll definitely check out the blog and the video when it’s out.

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my video is here I translated all to english 


I really enjoyed the premise but the thing that really made the game for me was the little touches! The height changing the art and decor - such attention to detail 😊

Thank you for trying it out! Making those little details was a very fun process for us! Interesting to see how you played this out as well, only using memory travel when you got to the book section. 

Thank you! Doing the details was our favorite part (at least mine ahah)! And thank you for making a video with our game!


OMG, This game is beatiful and creative! You have my support and my money, if it gets paid :)

Thanks! I’m glad you liked the game so much!

Thank you!


sick, keep working on it

Thanks, we'll try






It took me 30 minutes. I wish it was longer. I was scared in the last room. I was worried that Jumpscare would come out. But you made a nice game. If only it was taller or a big building and you brought updates every month.

Yeah if we expand this game the house definitely needs to get bigger and better organized. Thanks for the input tho, and sorry about the spooky ambiance ahah

Thank you, and like my friend, said if we expand the game the house will be heavily reworked.

And sorry about the spooky ambiance haha, a few people said that as well.

me to


casa desarrumada em



Hahaha sim

Waiting on part 2 ! Super fun

Thanks! When we update the game, we will make a Devlog.

Thank you! Hope we can provide.



Appreciate it!

Thank You! :D


Haven't tried yet, but it looks AMAZING! Is there a graphic options? If you responded, i might play the game :)


You can change from high, medium or low graphics presets. Although we've never seen anyone complain about performance issues, so high graphics might run just fine, if thats your concern.


I played it, its very cool :) Also i ask about the graphics because my pc is trash

Yes, just like my colleague said. You can change them in the “Settings” menu (in-game).

If you play the game, please tells us your opinion! It’s very valuable to us.

The game is great! I was very sad when the demo finished and i wanted more. Can't wait for the full release :)

Also do we need to pay for the full release or its free?

We actually haven’t thought that far ahead, however as soon as we know, we will make a Devlog about it. But I’m really glad that you liked the game :)



it was good

Thank you.

Thanks! :D


This was super cool! I was so sad when the demo ended! Cant wait to find out what happens!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I left a comment on your video regarding your concern with the TV commercials as well.

Thank you! We are glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for making a video about it!

Thank you so much. Really happy you liked it.

I also responded on the video but ill say something here as well. Thank you for all the hard work you all put into making this! I hope that at some point you will be able to work on it more because that cliff hanger was killer! Good luck either way!

We will try our best to work on it, this project is our first “published” game and we had fun making it. If we start working on it again we will make a Devlog about it.

Thank you :D


Hey!! Congratulations on the game !! You did a nice work !


Thanks, man! I really like your game as well!


Love the concecpt and the old commericals that where on the tv i didn't want leave the past because it brought back so many memories and made me long for that simpler time again. Also with the lighting and the commericals playing on the tv in the past it felt like a place that I wanted to stay forever.

      All that said I love the concept and the short demo I would definetly buy this if you ever brought it out. Do you guys know when the full version might be comming. Because the story seems very interesting and your told just enough of to keep you hooked so want to keep playing to find out what is happening and see how the power this guy has will be used over the telling of the story and what secrets the parents have and will they really find them. 

First of all, Thank you, we're glad you liked it.

Secondly, this demo was an academic project developed last semester. With that said, as of right now we're unable to work on it since we're already busy with a new project. However, a lot of people seemed to like this concept and the demo got a lot more attention than we expected, so we're definitely considering coming back to improve it this summer.


well I knew it was demo tha game says that when you start it up but it would be amazing to play a full version of the this especially with the creative use of time in the game something as a hardcore long time gamer never seen before which means it probably has a chance of being one of those indie hits.  I am sure if you put it up on kickstarter or another website like that you would get the funding to finish if that is really what you want to do. I am interested and sadden your working on another project. Interested to see what else you creative people come out with sadden that this awesome concept cannot be started on right away. 

         I dont know how much you can say about the project your doing now but wanted to ask is this going to be something to buy or another pay if you can download

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Only reason I can't say much about the new one is because we don't have much going on as of yet. But we do have a deadline and other projects pilled up this semester, and that's why we can't keep developing 'Time Will Tell' at the moment.

To answer your other question, we never really thought about monetizing a full version of this game because we didn't even consider finishing it, not until we published it here.

However, with all the attention that it's gotten, we might just make something out of this, we just can't do it right now. 


I understand are you in school for game design? Is this what you guys hope do? Because I will say you have a really good nack for it at least the creative concepts posed in time will tell. Good job man keep up the awesome work.

Thank you for playing! I’m really glad that you liked it. Like my colleague said, we have a lot of projects to do so we can focus on this game (at least just yet). However, due to the feedback that we are getting, we are considering continuing development when we have spare time.

Again, thank you for playing and I’m really glad you enjoyed the demo :D


No thank you for all the nice little touches and the experience that the project was. I especially loved the old commercials on the tv that was amazing. From what I gather your other friend was saying you guys are still in school is game design the goal or was this just for a class project? because like i told your friend your use of time travel is brilliant and something I have never seen before in the millions of games I have played over the years and it deserves a shot at being in a full game. but again thank you so much for the awesome 20 minutes or so it was a fantastic ride.

This demo was a project for our degree. We are in the second year and we were tasked to make a vertical slice of a first-person, adventure/puzzle game.

We had a lot of fun making those little touches, making those was my favourite part of making this demo haha. For the old commercials, we went to this website and found some old public domain commercials to put in the game.

The actual memory travel mechanic was actually “set in stone” early in our project and believe it or not, the hardest thing was the name of the game haha. Before “Time will Tell”, we had the name “All That Remains”, but there were already a lot of games with that name, so we had to change it. We actually got called out on the old name during a presentation because it was already used ahah.

I see like I told your friend that house with the lighting and the old timey commericals playing on the tv was a place I wanted to live forever. Just felt so calm and homie. Also I remember that Anut Jamama or however you spell it pancake commeircal from when I was kid. Also I rmember Dr. Chapstic one the great ball players. 

      so what are you studying for? Game design or something else? Because I say withe the way you handle in did time you have a real shot at making a well loved game. Again  thanks for taking the time to reply and reading my text. I wish all of you the best of sucesss.


Is it scary I don't wanna get nightmares

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It's really not supposed to be scary but a lot of people have gotten horror game vibes because we haven't fully implemented all sounds ahah. Nothing scary happens really, it can just get really quiet.


Ok thank you :D

It’s not a scary game. It has more of a casual vibe. If you play it, let us know if you liked it! Your feedback is very important to us!


I will thank you


Since I haven't been as present as my other colleagues, I just wanted to thank everyone for playing. I'm glad that people are enjoying our game as much as they are and all of the feedback given (positive and negative) is extremely welcome and helpful. 


cool short Demo! I made a review on it with feedback and tips.
Good luck with it in the future, I'm exited to see where this is going.


Thank you for playing and for the video! I will check it out when it’s out!


I just saw the video and thank you for the feedback! We will keep it in mind if/when we keep continuing developing the game.


Thanks for the short but detailed feedback video! You hit most of our problems right on, we'll keep this in mind.


Very good game I love the concept and will be happily waiting for the full game to come out!

Thank you for playing and for making a video! I’m glad you liked the game and the concept :D

Thanks! We're glad you liked it. Your video was very interesting to watch as well. Seeing the "I have no idea what's going on" turning into those "ohh, I see" moments is what this demo is all about.  


I really enjoyed this! Having the two "past" and "present" loved it i can't wait to play the FULL game!
Here's was my intake on it :)

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Thank you for playing and for recording a video for your youtube page! I’m really glad you liked the game and the feel of it :D


Its a dope game! Once its done and ready i will be happy to play again ! :) 

Thank you for playing! Your video was very entertaining to watch as well with the dedication to the present and past changes.


Thank you :) ! I gave my editor WOOOORKK i cant wait to play the full game! :) 


I really liked this! I like the time jump mechanic and it worked well with the puzzles. I'd love to see this expanded into a longer game!!

Thank you for playing and for making a video out of it! I’m glad you liked the main mechanic and the little details like the height difference in the past.

Thank you for playing! Video helped a lot as well, it's always interesting to see where people tend to get stuck. I noticed there were some cuts in the middle of the video so I hope you didn't have to wander around not knowing what to do for too long.


To be fair the most time I spent wandering around was looking for the lampshade but it didn't take that long thankfully, haha


This game was actually pretty good! But it could have been longer, I would really love to see how the full game is gonna be!

Thank you for playing our game and for making a video out of it! Right now, we can’t continue to develop the game because of college, but we might work on it in the future.

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Thank you! And what my colleague said ^


Waste of time as is. Too simple and too short. Whatever story there is trying to be, is just cringe. Overall an absolute lack of any kind of polish. 

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Thank you for the feedback. We will use it to improve our future games.

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Understood, thanks for playing.

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I'm glad to hear you liked it that much!


I’m glad you enjoyed the game so much! Thank you for playing and for taking the time to explore :D.


A really good game!! Maybe add a spoiler button for the dumb one like me XD

Thank you very much! If I might add, from your gameplay perspective, you seemed to be getting around pretty well without ever needing a spoiler button, 8 minutes is a pretty decent time.

Thank you for the feedback! We will look into the option of adding the spoiler button.


Great work! Really liked the time shift puzzles. Looking forward to more.

Appreciate it. More is on the way!

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Thanks! We are glad you liked the puzzles :D


Very cool


Thank you!


Thank you!


Not too challenging, 

Noted. Thank you for the feedback and video!


thanks, but to be honest, I really liked the story, and pacing of the game. The time shifting mechanic is also very interesting and nicely implemented,  coupled with astonishingly good low poly cutscenes. 

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!


The Pleasure is all mine...


I wanted to keep playing! it's really good, simple yet challenging enough


Thank you! We wanted to keep developing as well... unfortunately, we had to abandon it temporarily to work on a new project for this next semester. Can't promise anything but we will try to get back on it this summer


Thank you for playing! Like my colleague said, we wanted to keep working on it, but we are starting to get flooded with work. After this semester we will most likely update the game!

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We're glad you liked it!

Thank You! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing! We’re glad you had fun!


An enjoyable game. We had fun testing it.


Thank you! Appreciate you trying it out and posting your experience as well.

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Thanks for trying it out! I’m glad you enjoyed it :D

Thank you so much!


I really enjoyed the game. It features good puzzles, and a very interesting storyline. I can't wait for the full version. Kudos to you guys.

Glad to hear it! Thank you for trying it out and for the recorded gameplay as well.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for making a video out of it.

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